Thursday, February 02, 2006


Originally uploaded by bobt54.
For the month of February, I am doing a Black and White theme. It should be interesting and quite a challenge. Also on a sad note, the cat pictured here, Chrissy, passed away. I am not sure but she was 15 years old. I think she lived so long because she never really expended much energy doing anything else other than sleeping, eating and of course her favorite past-time, pooping. That is the one thing I will not miss is that cat box.

Still she was a good cat. Didn't tear up stuff or take out her frustrations by peeing on your clothes or your bed as I have heard some cats like to do. Liked to stay inside most of the time but occasionally would sneak outside.

Not sure I will get another cat, at least not anytime soon. At this time of the year both my wife and I are out of the house a lot and that would be unfair to any new pet.

Chrissy, you will me missed. Goodbye.

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