Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year. New PAD


It was the first of the year with a new PAD. A PAD is a Picture A Day. To the purists at Pbase that means actually taking a picture every day. Not going to happen here, boys and girls. Yes, there are people that do it, but you here them in the middle of the year moaning and complaining that their creative juices have run out or that it has become a chore.

With my PAD I will try to showcase the best picture I have or the most meaningful picture for that particular day. I have found that having a PAD increases traffic to your galleries. Posting a PAD picture puts your picture, if only for a fleeting moment, in the front of the PAD gallery.

I gage the success of my pics by the number of comments I receive. If I get 5 or more I consider it somewhat of a success. Posted by Picasa

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